
Audio Analytics and Debt Manager: Using Technology to Humanize Collections

Written by Chris Smith | Jul 10, 2023 8:50:51 AM

Effective debt collection platforms require a range of features that seamlessly integrate with one another and offer complete configurability. Audio analytics is one that provides opportunities to humanize the collections process and train your team both after calls and in real-time.

C&R Software’s Debt Manager is a highly configurable debt collections platform that supports the integration of audio analytics as well as AI, machine learning (ML) and other systems. In this guide, we explore audio analytics in the context of Debt Manager, and how it can both humanize your operations and bring efficiency and collections performance boosts.

Humanize by understanding the emotional state of customers

Audio analytics is a transformative technology in collections that provides your team with insight into the emotional factors that could be inhibiting customers from making progress on their delinquent debt. Many of these nuances may be undetectable to your collections team, even on phone calls. With the help of audio analytics, you can have a better understanding of the emotional state of your customers and can make repayment suggestions more attune to their current situation.

Debt Manager integrates with a range of AI-powered tools that can seamlessly enhance calls in real-time and be utilized for analysis afterwards. You can humanize your collections process by detecting the emotional vulnerability of customers and then adjust payment offers via automated workflows to suit their situation and needs. This both guides them back to financial health and enhances collections performance.

Utilize ML systems to hit KPIs

Audio analysis is built on a foundation of ML capabilities that integrate with uploaded workflows to segment customers based on the discovered emotional factors. This segmentation is automated to distinguish groups of customers based on the likelihood that they will fulfill payments and assign treatment paths accordingly.

Debt Manager hosts a range of ML and AI tools that automate processes and seamlessly integrate with the workflows and systems of your business. You can use audio analytics in unison with segmentation capabilities to create account groups that require attention as a result of unforeseen emotional events. Then, you can use workflows to provide them with the care and guidance they need to reach a resolution, which in turn increases the likelihood of you efficiently hitting vital KPIs.

Train your team in real-time 

In situations where accounts require direct attention from your team, they need a strong understanding of the customer’s characteristics and the right treatment path to lead them out of delinquency. Audio analytics serve as a solution that can both provide insight from historical analytics after calls, and provide real-time recommendations during a conversation.

Debt Manager seamlessly integrates with all your calls to provide necessary information for each account. By utilizing workflows, your team can be prepared for calls with account characteristics, previous payment offers and recommended treatment paths. Then, audio analytics and AI-powered tools can provide real-time recommendations based on new information and emotional factors. The result is utilizing technology to humanize the call process that can be difficult for many customers, and provide your team with vital training to improve in future situations.

Take advantage of audio analytics with a configurable debt collections platform

By using audio analytics and Debt Manager for your calls, you can harness real-time AI analysis to identify hidden emotional factors that are responsible for account delinquency. You can then action the appropriate treatment paths that will resolve their situation, resulting in a humanized process and enhanced collections performance.

Debt Manager is the industry’s leading debt collections and recovery solution, with an abundant, powerful feature set that make it the platform of choice for organizations, governments and financial institutions the world over. To find out more about how Debt Manager resolves more debt and humanizes collections, contact a member of our team today.