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Carol Byrne | 10 April, 2024

How Collections and Brand Loyalty Work Together with Daniel Thebus

Collecting Thoughts is C&R Software's podcast, which presents conversations with subject-matter experts and industry insiders in areas as far-reaching as finance, software, and the collection industry.

In this week's episode, host Christina talks to Daniel Thebus, Senior Business Operations Manager at Dish Network. He has been with the company for over ten years, working on collections issues such as bankruptcy, credit verification, damage claim resolutions, and more. 

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Guest Profile

Name: Daniel Thebus

Profession: Senior Business Operations Manager at Dish Network

Episode's Key Points

Daniel starts by talking about how Dish Network has always been a part of his life, noting that the company was the first internet provider he had growing up in Colorado. He returned home after completing college and decided to work with the organization. He has worked within the credit division his entire career. They handle all aspects of the customer's billing and credit journey. He eventually moved into the collections side of the industry.

Daniel says that he got into the collections industry because it was a challenge, noting, "It's the hardest dollar to collect from the customer." He says their goal is to meet the customer where they are since every customer's journey is so different, but at the same time, to protect the company.

Changes in Customer Centricity

One of the first conversations Daniel had with Christina was about changes within customer centricity, which is the focus of creating a positive experience for every customer through all services and products the organization offers. Daniel shares that the industry has seen much regulation come down over the years and a focus on being compassionate with customers.

He says, "There are a lot of regulations in favor of the customer, so you have to be creative to find a way to meet those customers and find them in a way that's amicable and in a way that they are willing to pay their debt."

Daniel notes that Dish Network is in a unique position because it focuses heavily on the rural customer, meaning it has less competition than others. Instead of trying to reel in customers who are looking for a good deal, it seeks out customers who will truly benefit from its brand (and, as a result, benefit the company).

Meeting Customers’ Needs

A company that's focused on creating strong relationships and putting compassion at the forefront, Dish Network works to get to an amicable solution in everything they do.

He says, "What we do from a customer-centric perspective, we really look for those partners we work with in the agencies… and who are those who are going to best put our brand forward."

What can shift a customer's perspective on a company like Dish? He says, "Our customer base is kind of an older population. We're dealing with a different type of communication path. Today's customers may be more prone to using text or email communication, and we have definitely seen success in that digital strategy. But we also have a lot of customers that are very used to that face-to-face or over-the-phone interaction. Having an agent that can explain and work a customer through their billing issues, whether it's explaining a charge or …what they can do to reduce their bill, having that conversation is very beneficial. "

In the end, the goal is to ensure that the customer has a solution and understands why they are being charged. Daniel believes it all comes down to making sure agents are putting their best experience in front of the customer.

 Carol Byrne
About the author

Carol Byrne

Carol serves as VP of Marketing at C&R Software. Carol connects C&R Software's pioneering products with customers all over the world.

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