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Carol Byrne | 26 October, 2021

Secure Data Exchange With Agency Network

Upgrade to Agency Network in the Cloud

According to 2020’s third quarter data collected by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, national consumer debt rose for 24 out of the last 25 consecutive quarters and surpassed $14 trillion. As the years go by, with debt growing across industries, creditors are adapting new tools and technology to improve their collection practices. But compliance and security remain huge issues, and most creditors are actively looking for a solution that provides:

  • An easy way to validate and securely exchange customer data with collection agencies and other partners
  • Reliable, scalable, and cost-effective assistance while remaining compliant when exchanging data
  • Less reliance on costly, internal IT infrastructure and the need for IT support that often causes delay

Agency Network has been completely rearchitected and relaunched to address these critical industry needs and more, providing creditors with a single, secure channel to exchange data with collection agencies, credit bureaus, debt buyers, attorneys, and other vendors. Deployed in the Cloud, Agency Network offers iron-clad security, reliability, and business continuity, enabling client and creditor to efficiently and inexpensively exchange valid information with the right partners.

 Carol Byrne
About the author

Carol Byrne

Carol serves as VP of Marketing at C&R Software. Carol connects C&R Software's pioneering products with customers all over the world.

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